The BUMN Ministry’s plan to regulate state equity participation (PMN) is considered

The BUMN Ministry’s plan to regulate state equity participation (PMN) is considered


The BUMN Ministry’s plan to regulate state equity participation (PMN) is considered to be able to open investment opportunities because the policy will build transparency which creates clearer financial governance. Executive Director of  Indonesia Watch for Democracy,  Endang Tirtana, in a written statement in Jakarta, Wednesday, said that

The transparency measures that are being built will provide a bright spot on the Indonesian economy so that investors will have the courage to invest their capital. “With this transparency step, it will be able to open up investment opportunities, because the transparency system will make investors know from the start about what PMN distribution will be used for and what it will be like,” he said. 

Endang said that the regulation in the form of a Ministerial Regulation (Permen) would also dismiss the opinion that BUMN were parasites of the State Budget because of the inaccuracy of providing PMN. He appreciated the steps taken by BUMN Minister

Erick Thohir who often made breakthroughs for the advancement of BUMN. Previously, Erick also cut four deputy positions at BUMN, which were previously filled with seven people. In fact, continued Endang, 51 children and grandchildren of state-owned companies from three companies, namely Garuda Indonesia, Pertamina, and Telkom, were closed so that BUMNs focus on running their core business (henri/pn)

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