he signing of the MoU was then followed by a technical guidance workshop on the use of the Ministry of Education and Culture’s.

Jakarta, postbantennews.com

Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) and the Central Association of Indonesian Journalists (PWI), Wednesday, May 29 2024.

signed a memorandum of understanding or Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to continue the program Indonesian Journalism School (SJI) organized by PWI.

The signing of the MoU was carried out at the Harris Hotel, Tebet, Jakarta. The PWI party was represented by the General Chair of the Central PWI Hendry Chairudin Bangun.

While the Ministry of Education and Culture was represented by the official who made the commitment, Taopiq.

“By signing the MoU, the Ministry of Education and Culture supports the implementation of SJI held by PWI,” said SJI Director Ahmed Kurnia, who also witnessed the signing of the MoU with the Head of PWI Central Education Division, Mohammad Nasir.

After signing the MoU, Hendry Ch Bangun confirmed a number of provinces that would host SJI with financial assistance from the Ministry of Education and Culture. “PWI friends in the regions must start getting ready,” said Hendry.

The signing of the MoU was then followed by a technical guidance workshop on the use of the Ministry of Education and Culture’s aid budget with potential aid recipients from various schools in Indonesia.

Commitment of the Minister of Education and Culture

Collaboration in organizing this year’s SJI is the commitment of the Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Anwar Makarim, who was present at the opening of SJI in Bandung, February 6 2024.

Nadiem Makarim said that the existence of SJI organized by PWI was the right step, considering that the latest technological developments, such as artificial intelligence, continue to move forward.

Journalists must be equipped with skills to deal with all technological developments.

According to the Director of SJI, Ahmed Kurnia, in organizing SJI, students are provided with material on critical thinking, integrity, investigative coverage, multi-tasking coverage related to the use of the latest technology.

Apart from that, material was also provided regarding national insight which is the characteristic of PWI member journalists.


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