The opening of the Working Meeting was marked by pressing the laser scanner measuring tool button by the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN.


Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN), Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) is confident that the target of registering the remaining seven million plots of land by 2024 can be achieved.

“Our target is by the end of 2024, 120 million plots of land.

So the remaining land plots designated for 2024 are actually seven million more land plots.

And that is equivalent to approximately the number of plots of land in the Netherlands. “God willing, we can achieve this as well as possible,” said the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN.

This was conveyed by Minister AHY when opening the Technical Working Meeting (Rakernis) of the Directorate General of Land and Spatial Surveying and Mapping (Ditjen SPPR) with the theme Beyond Complete Cadastre, in Jakarta, on Tuesday (28/05/2024).

In his speech, Minister AHY also said that in the land registration process, complete mapping of land plots alone is not enough, but must exceed targets.

For land registration by the end of 2024, the target is up to 120 million plots of land. Currently, as many as 113 million plots have been registered and 2.2 million plots of them were successfully registered in just 100 working days of Minister AHY.

In his speech, the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN reminded that there are significant differences in land registration between Indonesia and other countries, especially the Netherlands, especially the challenges and complexities.

“Indonesia is a big country, and we are the largest archipelagic country in the world. So the complexity is not only in terms of dimensions, size, yes, but also in terms of geographical shape. “Which is not always easy to map, measure and register,” explained Minister AHY.

He appreciated the hard work of the Ministry’s staff for the achievements so far.

“We really hope, of course, that this Rakernis will be able to improve the quality of apparatus who have competence and authority in mapping and measuring,” he hoped.

In line with this, the Director General of SPPR, Virgo Eresta Jaya, in his report said that there were at least two objectives for holding the Rakernis.

Namely to unite the vision and mission in preparing spatial data to reach a complete cadastre by 2025, and to improve the quality and knowledge of all levels of surveying and mapping.

“Why go beyond? Because a complete Cadastre is not the final destination.

“That is the initial stage for us to provide benefits to all existing stakeholders, and the next step is for us to increase the knowledge and quality of our friends here,” explained Director General Virgo.

The opening of the Working Meeting was marked by pressing the laser scanner measuring tool button by the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN, accompanied by the Secretary General of the Ministry of ATR/BPN, Suyus Windayana and the Director General of SPPR, who displayed the real time acquisition results in the event room.

Apart from that, GeoAI training award pins were also symbolically pinned to three participant representatives.

This Technical Working Meeting will last for three days, attended by 157 participants from Regional Work Units, consisting of heads of divisions, Sub-Regional Office Coordinators, and Heads of the Mapping Survey Section.

Also present accompanied the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN, a number of Middle and Primary High Leadership Officials.


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