Home / Amerika / There, the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN attended the 2024 World Bank Land Conference in Washington DC.
There, the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN attended the 2024 World Bank Land Conference in Washington DC.
postbant May 19, 2024386 views
Tangerang, postbantennews.com
Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) expressed the honor that Indonesia received from the World Bank.
“It is an honor given to Indonesia to convey success stories that have become best practices in land administration, in Agrarian Reform and this is what I conveyed in the forum.
“Thank God, we received many positive responses from various parties, both from the World Bank and other countries participating in the conference,” said Minister AHY on Saturday (18/5) at midnight.
When setting foot again at Soekarno-Hatta international airport, Cengkareng. AHY arrived from a long trip to the United States at the invitation of the World Bank.
There, the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN attended the 2024 World Bank Land Conference in Washington DC.
This activity has just been held again after a five year hiatus, since the last event was held in 2019.
Minister AHY, who was met by media crew at the airport, said that the world appreciates President Joko Widodo’s bold steps to speed up land measurement and registration in the last seven years, so that by 2024.
More than 112 million plots of land can be recorded. This is an increase of 50 percent compared to previous periods.
In front of international forums, Minister AHY emphasized the importance of providing legal certainty of land rights for land owners.
Apart from that, with legal certainty of land rights, investors can be more confident about investing in Indonesia because it is safer, so they can take into account the prospects and productivity.
“Don’t let Indonesia’s great potential to become an industrial and commercial place be wasted because of the lack of legal certainty.
These investors eventually moved to other countries, to our neighboring countries. We must also have an increasingly better, competitive and promising investment climate and ecosystem.
This can attract capital into Indonesia and ultimately support growth our economy,” continued Minister AHY.
Minister AHY also revealed that after returning from Washington, on Sunday (19/5) he would return to Bali to attend the World Water Forum (WWF).
This event is the largest international forum to discuss and formulate world water and sanitation management policies.
This is also the last international forum attended by President Jokowi.
“This is also a very important event because we want to talk about water resource security, this is not only a local issue but a world issue.
We know that many areas of the world are also experiencing water scarcity, water scarcity.
“The human population continues to increase, industrial and production needs also continue to increase, while water supply is increasingly limited,” explained Minister AHY.
According to AHY, this forum also concerns the policies of the ATR/BPN Ministry.
“The Ministry of ATR/BPN also certainly has a correlation because talking about water and land are always close.
Both land areas and coastal areas.
“So this is what we continue to want to present, a joint solution of course, one or two institutions cannot solve this issue, and there must be good synergy and collaboration,” concluded Minister AHY.