Misbakhul Munir SH., MH. Head of Legal Advocacy at the Indonesian Online Media
Pandeglang, postbantennews.com
Misbakhul Munir SH., MH. Head of Legal Advocacy at the Indonesian Online Media Organization (MOI) Pandeglang Regency.
Misbakhul Munir said that he really appreciated the presence of the online media forum in Pandeglang Regency. Therefore, Misbakhul Munir SH, .MH said that his party would carry out an escort if there was an error in the writing presented by the online media that was part of MOI Pandeglang.
“So please make as much news as possible to support the progress and prosperity of the community, don’t be afraid even if someone will feel cornered by the news, we will always guard and monitor it, don’t let journalists get policed because of the news,” he said.
All news made by the media is a freedom, all journalists are protected by the press law No. 40 of 1999, if there is news that harms one of the parties, please report it to the press council first, not to the police,
Describing Misbakhul Munir As a practitioner and guardian of journalistic independence in all of his works, Misbakhul Munir on the opportunity to talk with the media crew also said that his party is ready to assist all problems with a journalist’s coverage if it becomes a legal issue.
“Let journalists work and scrutinize all developments in society in all sectors. Strictly speaking at the residence on Monday, February 22, 2021. As long as a journalist covers news related to someone’s name, it also brings benefit and benefit to the people why not? “, He said (Ade / pn / moi)