The joint sar team conducted a search for Boca that sank in the Rebo Market.

The joint sar team conducted a search for Boca that sank in the Rebo Market.


That night was a kid, as long as he was playing. indeed who knows our lives and other humans.

The boy who stews him is not yet aware of what is dangerous. indeed with adversity it cannot be denied, so the boy loses his soul in order to survive. yadi (7)with Gifahri playing and running and laughing and crying.

The joint sar team was sent to search for a Gifahri (8) boy who drowned in Cilung river, pekayon village, kec. rebo market, east jakarta. the incident started with us, (18/02).

around 15.53 WIB the victim and two of his friendswas playing on the edge of the river, the victim suddenly slipped and fell over the river. then the victim had to be carried away and drowned, so that currently the victim is still in search.

 “We will comb the Ciliung River both by land and by water. So that the Boca that sinks is fast onfind “, this was said by Hendra Sudirman, SE, M.Si, the Head of the Jakarta search and rescue office as the Chief Mission Coordinator (SMC) (henri permana/pn)

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