As Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, these days I have received various reports about alleged fraud.


Mahfud MD, the vice presidential candidate, smelled that there was a smell of fraudulent elections last year, Monday (13/11).

He asked the National Police, whose 5 provinces committed election fraud, that this would definitely happen again next year.

If, said Mahfud MD, the vice presidential candidate's response to cheating in last year's election will make it happen again, this is suspected to be cheating.

"We ask the KPU-RI not to cheat again," said Mahfud MD.

According to the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD, he revealed that there were reports of fraud in general elections (elections) from five provinces.

Incidents of alleged fraud were reported in Jakarta, Bali, East Java, Central Java and North Sumatra.
According to Mahfud, reports of alleged fraud may have occurred in other areas, quoted by

"As Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, these days I have received various reports about alleged fraud in the election stages," said Mahfud in an official statement on Monday (13/11/2023).

"We have allegations of fraud in 5 provinces outside Java," he said.

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