A truck loaded with recycled plastic with police number BE 8055 UR rolled over on Jalan Marsekal Suryadarma

A truck loaded with recycled plastic with police number BE 8055 UR

Tangerang city, postbantennew.com

A truck loaded with recycled plastic with police number BE 8055 UR rolled over on Jalan Marsekal Suryadarma, Neglasari, Tangerang City, Friday, March 26, 2021. The single accident occurred at a road point that was under repair. And this is further aggravating the traffic jam conditions on the route.

Where the inevitable stagnation had occurred at the beginning of the project work. The congestion that is thought to have occurred since the beginning of the project implementation, until now the truck with plastic waste has been turned over due to weak supervision on the ground at the Tangerang City PUR Service.

such as the monitoring of the postbantennews.com media crew, the traffic jam has worsened. According to several sources and eye witnesses about the truck overturning incident in the project area said,

“The trucks carry hundreds of sacks of recycled plastic waste. And before it overturned, the truck rolled over at the road divider, perhaps the driver was sleepy or also because he was avoiding material for the road that was being repaired, “said Yanto, an eye witness.

Yanto continued, the condition of the truck driven by Suwardi was damaged in the front. So that the truck overturned and the scattered cargo was then transferred to another truck.

According to Yanto, as explained by one of the traders selling on the side of the road in the area near the road repair project

“The car suddenly overturned and rolled over, I know why, I was waiting for the buyer while seeing the traffic jam that day with very hot weather conditions suddenly heard a loud sound, apparently the truck turned upside down,” he concluded (RIP / Henri/PN)

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